5 Rewards of Being a Caregiver

From the outside looking in, caregiving can seem like a thankless job. Those unaware of the profession may only perceive caregiving as unpaid, menial labor. Yet, if you talk to the 65 million Americans who provide care for a loved one, they will tell you differently!

Caregiving may be a hard job, but it is also a fulfilling and rewarding one. Here are just a few of the many rewards that come with being a caregiver.

1. It brings you closer to your loved one

For those who are caregiving for a family member or friend, they are forever rewarded with a closer relationship with said loved one. This is because the act of caring for someone entails spending large swaths of time with that person. All of these accumulated moments coalesce in the opportunity to become closer.

2. Caregiving is empowering

Remember, providing constant care for someone is not easy. You must manage a multitude of different tasks, from medication management to physical care. While the tasks may seem daunting, there is a sense of accomplishment and empowerment knowing that you continually faced each daily challenge. If you can handle being a caregiver, you can handle anything!

3. It gives a sense of purpose

For caregivers, one of the greatest rewards is a renewed sense of purpose. Erica Solway, a contributor to the National Poll on Healthy Aging (NPHA), states that “many caregivers feel a sense of satisfaction and purpose knowing they are helping to keep a person they love safe and well cared for.”

4. Caregiving brings people together

Another reward of caregiving is that it brings people together. This is because most caregivers are not working alone. They are aided by helpers who comprise a network of care. These are neighbors, friends, and home health aides who work together to ensure that a loved one is cared for. 

The act of caregiving brings all of these people together towards a common goal, often solidifying relationships that will last a lifetime.

5. It re-centers the important things in life

One of the greatest gifts of caregiving is it reminds us what is really important. Our world moves so quickly that it’s easy to get swept up in the minutiae of the day to day. 

Caregiving brings us face to what truly matters in this world: the people and relationships of our daily life. It reminds us that life is short, and it empowers us to honor these precious moments that we have been given.