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Bad Habits & Conditions That Cause Back Pain

Back Pain Chiropractor

If you deal with back pain, you are not alone. Back pain is one of the most common ailments among adults. It can make it difficult to do certain activities or even get out of bed some days. It is possible that you may be making your back pain worse without even realizing it.

Here are a few common habits that can lead to back pain.

Poor Posture

Poor posture is quite common these days, especially among those who work desk jobs. If you sit in front of a computer for eight hours every day, you may struggle to maintain proper posture. Unfortunately, as the professionals can explain, slouching can put a lot of pressure on your spine and cause back pain. That is why you should make an effort to improve your posture. Always sit up straight with your shoulders pulled back.

Smoking Tobacco

Smoking can negatively affect many parts of your body, including your back. It can reduce blood flow to the disks in your vertebrae, resulting in back pain. If you are a smoker, you may want to consider quitting to reduce your back pain and improve your overall health.

Being Overweight

People who struggle to maintain a healthy weight have a higher risk of back pain. Excess weight can put a lot of stress on your back muscles, resulting in pain. If you are currently overweight, a back pain chiropractor may advise you to lose some weight to relieve your discomfort. Eating a nutritious, low-calorie diet and exercising regularly may help you lose weight.

Not Staying Active

Back pain is also more common among those who rarely exercise. If you don’t move much, your back muscles can get stiff, resulting in more pain. Exercising regularly can improve flexibility in your back and decrease pain. Try exercises like Pilates, walking, bicycling and swimming.

Lifting Improperly

Whether you are lifting weights or heavy boxes, you have to do it correctly. Otherwise, you risk straining your back. Always bend your knees and keep the object close to your body when you lift. Keep your back straight and do not twist. If an item is too heavy, you should avoid lifting it.

Wearing the Wrong Shoes

The shoes you wear can also have an impact on your back pain. For example, if you wear high heels all the time, they could put too much pressure on your feet and spine. You may experience back pain as a result. That’s why it is best to stick to lower heels.

Sleeping on an Old Mattress

Mattresses wear out after a while and have to be replaced. Otherwise, they can affect your back. If your mattress is old and sagging, it will be difficult to maintain good posture while sleeping. You may wake up with a sore back. Investing in a new mattress may improve your back pain.

If you suffer from back pain, you should make an appointment with a back pain chiropractor today.