Does Finasteride Work for a Receding Hairline?


Not every patient is ready to undergo a surgical procedure, like a hair transplant, to address their hair loss. Finasteride, also known by the brand name Propecia, is an oral medication that is prescribed by a doctor. The medication slows down the amount of hair loss experienced by a patient as well as stimulates the growth of new hair on the scalp.

Finasteride works by lowering the level of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) in the body by around 70-percent. DHT is an androgen that shrinks hair follicles and results in hair loss by making the hair growth cycle last a shorter amount of time than normal. The hair starts to become brittle and thinner before it begins to fall out at a faster rate. As part of its ability to stop hair loss, and promote the growth of hair on the scalp, finasteride lowers the hormone levels that cause the hairline to recede.

There have been a few studies related to the impact finasteride has on receding hairlines. A study from 1999, in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, showed that the daily use of finasteride resulted in a “significant increase in hair count” over the course of a year. Based on the findings of the study, the product seemed to produce a real improvement in the amount of hair growth around the hairline.

Additional research has shown finasteride is able to reduce hair loss located near the vertex scalp, or crown of a person.

Another study, published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, shared the results found by a research team who analyzed the effects of finasteride on male patients, with male pattern baldness, over the course of two trials that both lasted a year. The research team found finasteride was able to clinically produce a large hair count by measuring the level of hair growth at the vertex scalp.

Even though finasteride has been shown to reduce hair loss, and even improve the amount of hair growth in many patients, it might not be able to completely restore the amount of hair loss suffered due to a receding hairline. It will likely make a positive difference in the appearance and density of the hair in a receding hairline. It is a good option for patients on areas of the scalp where they recently began to notice an amount of thinning hair along with a receding hairline.

It might be several months before a person starts to notice changes in the hairline, such as thicker hair, thanks to the use of finasteride. This does not mean the finasteride is not working. It just means a person must have realistic expectations when it comes to how quickly they will see an improvement in their receding hairline.